Do you identify as a LGBTQIA+ youth in Whatcom County? Maybe a youth ally? Come march with us on Saturday, May 31, 2025! Parade begins at 11:00 AM and marchers should be lined-up along Halleck no later than 10:45 AM.
As this is a youth-focused event, please note that participants in the march itself are limited to youth. (though we encourage everyone to line the route and cheer the marchers on!)
We need folks to help plan, coordinate, table, AND/OR be there to help day of. Is this you? Email us to learn more!
Are you an LGBTQAI+ affirming community organization that provides support or services for LGBTQAI+ youth? Want to share your knowledge and swag? Look for more information in spring 2025 about how to join us!
Queer Youth Art Market
LGBTQIA+ youth makers are invited to display and sell their work, connect with other artists and community members, and gain experience vending at a public event. Sign-up here to learn more!
Come support these independent artists!
Show Up!
Family, friends, educators, community members! All are welcome to come line the parade route and cheer on our LGBTQIA+ youth as they march! Bring signs of support and come get loud with love!
Adopt a Block
Are you a business or organization, or even a group of friends who want to cheer on LGBTQIA+ youth? Show your support by helping to line the parade route with your organization or posse of friends! Stay tuned for sign-ups again in spring 2025!
WYP Board membership interest
Interested in joining the Whatcom Youth Pride Coalition Board of Directors? Email us to learn more!
Help fill our piggy bank with a donation - and support and celebrate LGBTQAI+ youth today!